Imaging Projects

Corazon Series Ripe Pear Conundrum Portrait Long Island VTX Riders Inner Fitness Products LCC Promotionals Eddy's Auto Body Snowflake Wind Power

The "Corazon" Series


Linda Loudermilk


Fearless Heart
Transforming Heart
Happy Heart


In creating her Fall 2002 line of couture clothing (that would go on to appear that year in the Prêt-à-Porter show in Paris), Linda Loudermilk contacted me to work with her on creating a series of images and figures.

The figures were to be based on hearts and should have a feel that was "natural, twisted, and just slightly dark" to be consistent with her design style.

Working with multiple layers and masks and a handful of the more obscure blending modes in Photoshop, I constructed the three images to the right in a life-size format - 300 dpi, 5' x 5' - that were printed directly onto fine, sheer fabric.

Corazon Series Display (Small)