Imaging Projects

Corazon Series Ripe Pear Conundrum Portrait Long Island VTX Riders Inner Fitness Products LCC Promotionals Eddy's Auto Body Snowflake Wind Power

Wind Power Image


Linda Loudermilk


Click for a larger view


Another opportunity Ihad to work with fashion designer Linda Loudermilk was creating the theme image for her Fall 2007 runway show. The theme was the "power of the wind".

I used many features and settings located in Photoshop's brush engine to create the scattered stream of people mimicking dandelion seeds. Masking the head of the dandelion "clock" also provided a chance to delve deeply into more advanced selection and masking techniques. Finally, a faded radial blur on the windmill blade as a finishing touch. The image was then emblazoned on t-shirts for promotion at the event.

Wind Power Image display (Small)